
How Parenting Styles Have Changed Over the Last 100 Years

Parenting styles and attitudes have undergone significant shifts over the past century. While some common themes remain, there are noticeable differences between parenting in the early 1900s versus today.

More Formal and Authoritarian (Early 1900s)

In the early 20th century, parenting tended to be more formal and authoritarian. Parents were expected to be the ultimate authority in the household. Communicating with children was often one-way, with parents making demands and children obeying without question. Showing affection was not emphasized. Corporal punishment was accepted and widely used to discipline children. The philosophy was “spare the rod, spoil the child.” Independence was not encouraged. Overall, early 1900s parenting focused on hard work, respect for authority, and strict obedience.

Emergence of Permissive Parenting (Mid-Late 1900s)

By the mid-late 1900s, parenting styles shifted towards being more relaxed and permissive. Dr. Benjamin Spock’s 1946 book Baby and Child Care encouraged parents to treat children as individuals. Parental authority decreased as the child-centered approach emerged. Communicating with children became more open, and “quality time” focused on the child became idealized. Parents started nurturing independence, self-expression, and developing children’s interests. Corporal punishment declined as discipline became more discussion-focused. While permissive parenting emphasized self-esteem and freedom, critics felt it lacked structure and standards.

The Rise of Helicopter Parenting (Late 1900s-Today)

There is no one way to raise a child, but more recently, “helicopter parenting” has become prevalent in child rearing parlance. What is child rearing helicopter-style? This hyper-vigilant style involves parents who meticulously manage children’s lives. Helicopter parents constantly monitor their children and become very involved in their experiences. This intense overparenting aims to prevent children from facing challenges. Critics argue it promotes dependence and underpreparedness for adulthood. However, proponents view this parenting style as an expression of love and commitment to children’s safety and success.

Shift Towards Gentle Parenting (Today)

Currently, many parents are shifting away from authoritarian and permissive parenting styles in favor of “gentle parenting.” This approach focuses on understanding child development, clear communication, modeling desired behaviors, setting limits, teaching self-discipline, and using natural consequences over punishment. Gentle parenting aims to nurture the parent-child connection while still providing needed structure and boundaries.

More Focus on Fathers’ Roles (Today)

Additionally, modern fathers are taking a more active role in parenting compared to decades past when parenting was seen solely as a mother’s job. Today, fathers are encouraged to be more emotionally involved and share child rearing responsibilities equally. More hands-on fatherhood reflects evolving gender roles and family dynamics.

The Impact of Social Media (Today)

Furthermore, the rise of social media over the past 10-15 years has also impacted parenting approaches. Many parents now monitor their children’s online activities and social media use. This connects to concerns about cyberbullying, predators, and excessive technology use. Setting reasonable limits on screen time has become a common parenting dilemma.

Looking Ahead to the Future

Parenting has undergone major transformations between the early 20th century and today. While parenting has never been easy, priorities and philosophies have changed over time. Striking the right balance remains an elusive goal. The evolution of parenting styles over the last century illustrates how approaches are constantly developing to meet the needs of modern families and children.

It will be interesting to see what new parenting trends and attitudes emerge in the coming decades.

Hena Khan

Hena Khan is a tech-savvy professional with a passion for all things digital. With a background in computer science and a strong interest in emerging technologies, Hena has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. Contact: [email protected]

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